Tips for Listing Your Favorite Hobbies and Interests on Your Resume
Many people do not associate hobbies with the word “work”. A hobby is thought to be a typical leisure activity which is undertaken for fun, usually at one’s own leisure time, usually during ones free time. Hobbies include enjoying various objects and themed items, engaging in artistic and creative hobbies, playing sports and playing other entertainments. It does not necessarily mean that all your free time will be spent doing hobbies. Even if you do not have any spare time, it is important that you do not waste it away like watching television, hanging out with friends, or wasting your weekends by hitting the pub for a night of poker.
Your hobbies will help to set you apart from other job seekers. Having a wide variety of interests helps to show that you have something interesting to do even if you do not get your hands dirty with any particular interests. Your hobbies also serve as an indicator of your personality and how much you enjoy the little things in life. Having a hobby can be a great way to highlight your interests, abilities and talents.
The most important thing to remember when writing your job description is that your hobbies must be directly related to your work. If you are a good cook and a passionate guitarist, do not just list your hobbies under your job description as a chef and guitarist, you need to specify that under your job description as well. If you are applying as a teacher and you love to play classical music, you should specify that fact on your resume as well. It is important that your hobbies are related to your work. The information listed on your resume will directly reflect on the kind of position you are applying for.
In order to get the best results with your job description, it is best to list your best hobbies on one page of your resume. List all your interests under that. Be brief and sweet with your hobbies and do not list every single one of your interests. The best thing about having a listed hobbies on your resume is that it will automatically show that you have something to add to the work culture hobbies section of your resume. It will immediately show that you are keen on your work and that you have a good work ethic.
When writing your resume with your hobbies as the focus, it is best to write them in bullets. By writing them in bullets you are showing more of your interest and that you spend time thinking about your hobbies and how they relate to your job. You can even write a sentence or two about each of your hobbies, making sure that it is related to your work culture. For instance, if you like playing tennis, you can mention that on your resume as “work culture: tennis”.
One important thing to remember about hobbies is that they are a part of who you are, so make sure that the hobbies listed on your resume reflect who you are as a person and not just your interests. Do not list your hobbies in your profile or cover letter, as these could hurt your chances of being selected for the job. If you are not sure what your interests are, then consider writing a short paragraph about your personal interests with a couple sentences about your hobbies as the highlight of the paragraph. This is a great way to sum up your hobbies and work culture section of your resume.
One last point about your hobbies and your resume is that reading books about your hobbies is a great way to get you started on finding your perfect job. List all of the reading books you have either in print or on your bookshelf. Most of us have a collection of reading books. When writing your resume, take the time to include all of your favorite reading books from childhood to current favorites. Reading your resume is one of the best ways to show that you really enjoy spending time doing activities that relate to your hobbies. In fact, some employers even ask if you have a list of your favorite hobbies.
If your favorite hobby is fishing, then you can talk about that in your resume. You can even talk about your latest catches in fishing related magazines if you prefer. It does not matter what type of activity you enjoy doing, just be honest and write down everything. Make sure that you include your hobbies and interests in a sentence or two at the very end of your resume. That will give the interviewer a little information about you that he or she can put to good use. You will also gain more insight into the position you are applying for.